How flexible is Qualtik’s stress testing tool?

You can stress test an entire portfolio or you can segment and filter your portfolio to target specific types of loans, locations, industries, etc. Our stress testing tool is designed so that you can use filtering and criteria that are important to you. Easily filter your portfolio by loan type, geography, vintage, NAICS code, and more; then apply any combination of a decrease in NOI, an increase in interest rates, and/or a decrease in cap rate. You will see the effect on the loan to value ratio and the debt service coverage ratio. Access past tests to serve as a benchmark for future portfolio management analysis, or to rerun them under new circumstances. So, how flexible is it? Circus contortionist flexible.

Can I search my portfolio and stress test individual notes or groups of notes?

The filter feature allows you to select the notes you want to stress test based on detailed criteria. Build a test portfolio based on a single criteria or a combination, including vintage, loan status, real estate type, loan size, and/or location (including state, county, MSA, and ZIP code). For example, you could stress test all the loans in your portfolio that are hotels, over $5million, and in the Houston MSA.

What is the best way to keep the Qualtik system up to date with my other systems?

The most typical process for maintaining current data is for new loans and a payment file to be uploaded once per month. Updates for interest rates, payment changes, current balances, and other key data can be uploaded as often as you need. A simple CSV payment file will keep all your loan data current with the Qualtik system. Our team is here to guide you through setting up a sustainable process to keep everything current.

What are my options for loading data into the system?

How does my data get into the Qualtik system? The most common way to load data into the system is with a CSV file. If you have the ability to pull data from other systems into Excel or a CSV format, you're halfway there. Our operations team will help you complete the upload — it's quick and simple.